Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Misery Called Childhood

Before the title may suggest anything , I take the opportunity to clear the fact that this is not an account of problems faced by a depressed soul wanting to commit suicide or eager for vandalism. This is just an account of the things in my childhood I've dreaded the most or maybe not. I have no idea how this may look like . Please cooperate , even if you feel like "what do I have to with it " . And to see the silver lining , I had a fine childhood like you may have had !

I'd like to begin this with a shock ; not a metaphor , a real, electric one. They say a magnetic field is generated when current flows. Ask me and I can tell you what else than a magnetic field is generated. An electrical shock , for me , basically generated a "heavenly" field and a racing sprint circuit for the blood in my body. And as far as I can rememeber , new standards were set in the race with blood completing a thousand laps up and down my body in a matter of around two minutes. Thankfully , someone pulled out the plug and according to the doctor , i was saved by a minute or so.
After this time elapsed quite peacefully and I took part in the school's annual function . Like being forced into dancing to the tunes of "Monkeys ! we are the monkeys " with yourself wearing that monkey dress wasn't enough , I suffered a fracture in my left foot. The accident, however, took place a day after the function when someone wished to see us dancing one more time ( must have been a sadist ! ). So we were all geared up in our costumes and I was having fun on the swings. Just then ,someone called and hurriedly coming off it , my leg was entangled in the swing bar and I had a fracture . And that took another 3 months of my life . The 3 months actually were not quite bad . I mean if you are eight or so and you get to play computer games all the day and chocolates and chips to feast upon ,and people visiting you , would you call it a bad day ? Not at all for me !
Another 2-3 years passed and I was more than happy. No electric shocks , no fractures , not a thing on earth to care about except being chased by moneys once (that really scared the hell out of me ! I , never feared monkeys though ) and bulls twice . Just when it all seemed to be perfect and I was learning the song "All things bright and beautiful , all creatures great and small ... " a creature great yet small emerged on the scene - cometh "Naughty" . Well "naughty" was the name of a puppy ( later to be dog , but of course ) who I considered every bit deserving enough to be a wolf or a hound or a lion or anything like that. I dont know what on earth contented his owner to name him "naughty" . I would have gone for better adjectives had they asked me ... how about "Fiercy" , "Annihilator " or something. Yes ,a glimpse of him could annihilate me at that time . No, naughty didn't bite people , he ate them ( to be honest , it was just that he barked continuously at me -- only me ! ) . And the naughty chapter was unwilling to close until thankfully we shifted from our place.

So these were incidents that impacted my life to a great extent. There were certain other things , very subtle in nature. Out of those , some I understand now, some I am patiently waiting to understand and some I know I'll never understand. But the lesson learnt was a very common one and so common that it isn't worth mentioning about. There are times when you feel like you've lost it , then you hold it tight. Suddenly , you lose your grip and you feel helpless of the sweat thats causing this lose grip. Then you realise that the sweat was a result of your own worries and anxiety. So this is how life has been to me and to everyone , I guess. Good or bad it is , you live it. And it is good or bad only as long as you live it. So what do I have to say in the end ? I am clueless for I havent seen the end .

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