Monday, January 17, 2011

The Story of the Overhaul

My blog "Nomadic Diaries" (formerly, nomadic aspirations) had been lying dead for quite a time. As the blog description reads, I hoped my mind would find it a frequent visiting destination which did not come up as expected. A few posts out of anxiety and then I remained still without reason. I know I've been lost and begging for more.  

Talking about the overhaul, the biggest observable change would of course be the name. I reflected upon the name only to find out that I have almost settled with the "aspiration" part of my life. Nomadic Diaries comes up as my posts would continue to be my views, this time with a little more insight into issues and entertainment. To be writing essays, critiques or analyses is not my idea of blogging and hence to suddenly shift over to these would be quite a task for me. I will, however, go into matters that I find worth talking about and this time I hope these are matters which would be supported by readers (whatever fraction I can gather). Overhaul, yes I have gone through the physical appearance and layouts as well. I must admit that a friend's blog which he calls The Pucca Critic has been quite inspirational for me to go ahead with the changes in appearance. But my blog still remains simple in outlook and I hope to catch on gradually. 

Not with this post that I'll hit the panic button but I will certainly try to pursue blogging a little more seriously. Till the next time (soon, i.e.), it's a goodbye. 

"I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some..." - Jason Mraz

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