Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blog! What?

A new found interest in the libertarian philosophy saw me creating another blog enthusiastically titled, "The Liberty Mill". With "The Liberty Mill" I tried putting down an amateur account of whatever I had read (and continue to read), and share it with people because that is something that I felt was needed to be shared and promoted. Now, for the promotion purpose, I created a facebook page for the blog. Problem? Well, I do have a good circle of friends and tend to make a lasting impression on people I meet but I would not really describe myself as a people's person. When it came to sending out the invites, I found it too embarrassing to ask people to 'like' the page when all that my blog had was probably one article that I had written as an introduction to the blog. However, I did send out a few invites to close friends asking them to 'like' the page and stay updated on the blog. I also shared the link to my blog on my facebook timeline for anyone else who might be interested.

Three months into the creation of the blog, I find it with just three posts (one each for every month). While this is no desperate call, it has been rather disappointing for me not to have been able to find the mantra to keep people coming to visit my blog. As a result, I could never keep up the enthusiasm alive. I have invited suggestions from friends who run comparatively more successful blogs and websites and I have been asked to make it 'fun'. Again, I do not see the point in posting plagiarized fun pictures or jokes on my blog when the sole purpose of the blog is to promote the idea and the philosophy of liberty through what I am apparently good at - writing. I have had the privilege to write and present research papers at conferences in different places. I'm not sure how many people read what I had written or if it was even worthy of being called a contribution to knowledge as we know it, but that has been a more satisfying experience for me than the story of my blogging experience.

Why am I posting all this on this blog? Because this thought process marks the return of the nomad! I would take a break from posting all the amateur content on "The Liberty Mill" and focus my attention on learning and academic writing till I get the knack to attract audiences for political literacy, if not by writing then by other means. Until then, for the adventure of it, hoping for a world without borders! :)


  1. First, I followed 'The Liberty Mill'. Second, we are in two when it comes to having an opinion about making the blog 'fun'. Third, I felt it necessary to convey to you that you must know that you write good, specially the choice of your arguments.

  2. Thank you Nishita and sorry for the ultra-late reply... Been away for too long! :)


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