Sunday, February 13, 2011

Facebook, Cell Phones and the Like

I was once sitting outside the college canteen when this idea struck me. As I sat alone in one of the corners with some music playing on my earphones and surfing through Facebook, a classmate of mine came and sat beside me. I hadn’t known him very well but we knew each other just as classmates. After having acknowledged each other, we got busy with our respective cell phones. I had a call on my hands-free and I said “hello”. Having heard me and assuming that it was for him, he greeted me back and then he felt embarrassed. It was something new for me. At the school we were not allowed to carry cell phones with us and that had positive results, nobody sat alone. Groups of students huddled up to have fun, remaining uninterrupted by cell phone message beeps, calls and other disturbances. 

I am neither against technology nor its implications but it strikes me and I believe it should strike everyone to see how social interactions have dwindled to silent texts and smileys. A psychological study that I came across after a few days of the aforesaid incident had my mind thinking over and over. According to the study, human interactions remain “incomplete” if there’s no face to face contact. To get a message conveyed complete in all respects, we need to have an eye contact. The more we interact virtually, the more we hollow ourselves from within. The electronic chats that we engage in, entertain us for the time being but in the long run spell despair because of a talk that has remained incomplete somewhere. An empty feeling in the mind is generated.

There’s nothing wrong in making acquaintances in the virtual world but an attempt to remain indifferent to the influence is required. Since the probability of meeting these people is very low, a detachment is necessary. Think about it, when was the last time that you talked to someone ‘real’ without having been interrupted by your gadget?

"So if you have a minute why don’t we go, talk about it somewhere only we know. This could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go… Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane 

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