Sunday, February 27, 2011

For the Heart, By the Heart, To the Heart

The human heart is four chambered, no wonder it gets broken. It has a terrible shape to add to the vulnerabilities and in size is only as big as the person's fist. People blame it on excess consumption of oil and fats that deteriorates the functioning of the heart, I blame it on the poets and lyricists. Having become a subject of all depressions, miseries and love songs, it is tired. They say love is a drug and then they subject their hearts to such dangerous things. If you think it's easy being a heart try doing what it does everyday. What the heart can do you can't even dream of ... how many times have you pumped blood, and managed its delivery all over the human body!

Even philosophers love the heart so much. How easy it is for them to preach 'follow your heart' and be praised for the advice of a lifetime! Nobody asked cardiologists what they have to say about the heart unless some malfunctioning was found in the same. Anyway, if you'd know, the word "awesome" was ruled out of the dictionary for its over-usage but still continues to be harnessed. One day I hope humans will become cyborgs and the heart will be left alone. In case I have not been clear on the "over-usage" thing, let me illustrate: 

A boy named Lakshya studied with me in my class during my primary education years. Lakshya was very normal - normal lifestyle, normal hairstyle, normal eating-style, normal dressing style ... abnormal name. Not that his name was bad but if you might have figured out by now, it's easier saying Lux than Lakshya, so what if it's a popular soap brand. So we had a soap brand in our class. Poor kid was so disturbed, he changed his school but before that, he changed his name to something else, very insignificant compared to Lux.

Moral of the story is not that we shouldn't be teasing boys with unconventional names (or perhaps that could as well be one of the morals), it's about the over usage that we subject things to. 
Every love song will have a worthless mention of a heart. Before you say "I love you with all my heart", try seeking permission from your heart; it won't allow you, it won't stop you. It'll do just what it ought to : pump blood. People might perhaps one day start associating intestines with love - large intestine for friends, small for the beloved. I won't mention the heart again.

This is the last paragraph and it's going to be short, you may heave a sigh of relief. What has turned out is instant : no thought process, no nothing, very much like other blog posts that were written out of insomniac compulsions. If you're bored and you know it, clap your hands (and pretend to be an idiot for a while, it won't kill you). And for the quote, here's from "The Scientist" by Coldplay : 

Questions of science, science & progress do not speak as loud as my heart!  

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